My First Spray Tan
I love the sun! I love how it warms my soul, brightens my day (literally) and gives my skin a golden glow. However, the sun is not without its evils…it burns, blisters and can cause cancer if you don’t take precautions and wear sunscreen. It also causes less harmful but equally un-attractive issues like brown spots and dry patches.
Since I have chosen beauty reporting and all things involved as my future profession, I feel the need to stay on top of trends, information, and my looks….after all, I wouldn’t get my taxes done by someone who neglected their own.
I had heard a lot about the Mystic Spray Tanning System and how wonderful it is, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Let me just say, the first time can be a little over whelming. The tanning system is a large booth that you step into and follow the directions of the recorded voice. The machine sprays you head-to-toe with the tanning mist.
The booth is a little loud and the mist is cold, but once you adjust to the process, you will find this to be the quickest and easiest tan of your life. The tanning product is safe for every skin type and the color will adjust depending on your skin’s proteins (therefore, you will not be the same shade of bronze as a friend).
Once the cycle in the booth is complete, you simply air-dry for about 60 seconds and then pat any remaining product off with a towel. If any tanning solution gets on your clothes, it will wash out in the washing machine. The tan last anywhere from 7-10 days and if you moisturize regularly, the longer the color will last longer.
Dos & Don’ts
DO exfoliate before the tanning application (it helps the color go on smoothly)
DON’T shower, swim, or even exercise for at least 5 hours after the process (the color will wash off or get streaky)
DO use the blending cream LIBERALLY to keep palms and soles from tanning (go especially heavy on the soles of the feet because you are barefoot in the booth and the soles accumulate a lot of product)
DON’T wear heavy foundation, lotions, or even perfumes before application (heavy foundations and lotions will keep the tanning solution from reaching the skins and a lot of perfume can cause the color to end up splotchy)
DO remove all jewelry (you don’t want weird lines or bronzed jewelry)
DO go nude (you are alone in the room and booth and it helps give a flawless coverage)
DO wear lose clothing to the salon (you don’t want anything tight rubbing against your skin after the session)
DON’T use toners/ astringents or swim in chlorine (these chemicals will strip off the color)
DO wear sunscreen if you go outside (just because your skin is a bronze color, doesn’t mean you won’t get sunburned….you NEED sunscreen!)